Our Blog: Home Building for Dummies

Knowledge and understanding the building process is key

OK, I am back to address why understanding the building process is critical. BECAUSE IF YOU DON’T KNOW YOU WILL BE BURNED, AND YOUR FINANCES RAPED AND PILLAGED, GUARANTEED.

You need to know how exactly what you want your dream house to be and to cost. Also that your expectations and that of your partner (wife) are aligned 100%. Somewhat like the planets one’s every 10 years. You see you may think what you want will cost X, while what your partner likes cost Y.  Remember not all vanities, tiles, kitchens are made equal. Remember your designer and builder will always go for what your partner (the one not paying) wants.

Home builders like that thing, and here it is again “COST PER SQUARE METER”   Why, because it tells you absolutely nothing. There are no detailed information as to what is needed or going to be used, the quality of the what, how much of the what etc. And NO, I am not talking about PC’s, I am talking bricks,  cement, concrete, paint. The things that determine the actual quality of your house. You don’t want to know how many contractors use the cheapest of these as possible. WHY, because you don’t know, therefore they can and they will make money off it. You will never now, because you don’t see the receipts or delivery notes, NEVER

You need to know before you sign any contract or make a commitment, exactly what is going to go into your house and no is does not need to be difficult. That is unless you have too much money and do not care. In that case just go for it and bitch about the contractor later. I have always wanted to have clients that take this approach, the ones with the unlimited budgets.

Remember it is like baking a cake, you need a recipe, an ingredients list, method, times, you get my drift.  PC’s,  that is just the icing on the cake and most times that covers a really bad cake. In my Planning Your Building Project post I will give some easy solutions to finding the truth (before you start the project). In other words, the recipe for understanding the building process.

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